Easy Peasy Homemade Chocolates


The Spanish school we are currently taking lessons with every day also holds heaps of activities for the students to get involved in. We have tried salsa dancing, attended a yoga class (which had a Peruvian grandma that spoke no English as the teacher and took place next door to a kid’s karate lesson which did nothing for our state of Zen!) but one activity we both enjoyed was the chocolate making class. It was so easy and fun to do it would make a great homemade gift or a way to keep your kids occupied on a rainy afternoon!

In a small group we sat down to the dreamy smells of melted chocolate that we proceeded to paint into the plastic moulds making sure that no light could get through. It was actually really therapeutic just relaxing and chatting to the other students who came from Germany, Switzerland and Holland.


Then you add whatever filling you want! We chose gooey caramel sauce and chopped peanuts kinda like a bite sized snickers bar then painted a thick layer of chocolate over the top to seal it all in. Pop this into the freezer for less than 10 minutes and then turn the mould upside down and pop them out. If you have any leftover chocolate then drizzle it over the nuts to make a chocolate nut brittle that can also set in the freezer. Simples!


This would also be a super easy Christmas present idea if anyone is thinking that far ahead yet?

Why YOU Should Look More Like A Backpacker


Is it possible to be stylish on the go? Let’s think of this for a moment….Huge bulky backpack, grubby money wallet, clomping great hiking boots, orthopaedic type travel flip flops and that’s just the start of it.

Not a scrap of makeup, hair that needs a good wash which is tied up in a rough bun or pony tail, wearing the same bikini for four days running or longer (the sea washes it right?!) needing to attack the rainforest sprouting on your legs and cellulite on show. Mmm.

If I told you I fitted the above description back home you would think I was a bit of a scrubber. But truth is when you’re backpacking everyone is in a pretty similar skanky (by normal standards) state. I met this one guy who said he wasn’t going to cut his hair or beard for the whole year he was away. I saw photos when he returned home and let’s just say he made Tom Hanks in Castaway look clean cut.

The travellers you do meet who are on a budget but still have a flawless face of slap and trendy clothes are obviously not enjoying themselves enough! As after a while you realise that comfort comes way above looking like you have stepped off the pages of a glossy magazine. Unless said magazine is hiking weekly – that look you may just about pull off.

Planning our upcoming backpacking trip has got me thinking how I may need to prepare my boyfriend for the sight he will see…. and I don’t mean the scenery. Since I returned from my travels I’m not really high maintenance in normal life so I shouldn’t be stressing that my boyfriend will be turned off by this ahem very relaxed Katy, well he has seen me in enough hung-over states and still not run a mile yay! I’m hoping that instead of wondering where his cleaner shinier girlfriend is that he will embrace this chilled out attitude together. Please don’t mistake us for the Twits – we won’t take it that far I promise – ish.


But I have a confession to make …. this state of unkemptness while backpacking was one of the happiest times of my life. I look at photos on a beach in Goa or after trekking the Himalayas and I don’t see my spots, hot sweaty red face or unwashed greasy hair I see a bare faced girl who is clearly having the time of her freakin’ life.

I think we can all learn something from the look of a backpacker as when you are stripped back literally to your swim wear for all to see there is nothing to hide behind. If you stress over tiny spots on your chin, if haven’t got matching underwear on and if your nails and toes aren’t perfectly polished – IT DOESN’T MATTER. In a world full of body confidence issues we could all do with stop fretting over trying to achieve perfection. The older and hopefully wiser I get I’ve learnt that I like me. I like me. I dare you to tell yourself that especially out loud. I double dare you. And do you know what – it feels bloody great!


In Need of a Free Read?


Usually free magazines are a bit pants. I remember the local free pages that used to get scrunched through my mums letter box where every inch of space was taken with badly written articles and bright, dodgy designed ads for locals businesses or loan companies. However, watching the pennies but still wanting to be in the loop with life back in the UK (and around the world) doesn’t have to mean forking out on pricy monthly magazine subscriptions.

Stylist magazine is a free weekly mag that has been out in the UK for a few years now, with the look of a glossy but bang on with a mix of thought-provoking articles, funny columns and awesome food, fash and beauty. It definitely doesn’t need to worry about filling space with discounts to Barry’s Tile Shop down the road. I used to love picking up a copy of this when I lived in Manchester as they would hand it out free all over the city.

When I moved to France I was going to ask my dad to stockpile copies for when he came to visit me but luckily enough I discovered they have created an ipad/iphone version that is available outside of the UK. Hurrah I thought but feeling quickly deflated that this would come at a price surely. Nope. It’s still free!

You can download copies via the app store and subscribe so they automatically appear every week (when you are connected to wifi) and they stay in your newstand section for how long you choose meaning you don’t have to quickly read one before the following weeks arrives. But also that you can store them up to read in one long binge fest (as I did last week when I had the energy of a sloth with a hangover) if you are waiting for a flight, a long bus journey or don’t want to be lugging round bulky and expensive mags on your hols then this works a treat.

If you have an ipad or iphone (even if you live in the UK) I would recommend subscribing to it. It’s weekly, it’s so well written and it’s free. Free I tell you. Which backpacker doesn’t love a bargain?

Wanderlust Tag


You may have got the slight gist that I like to travel. I know I have been keeping this such a secret! Give me the chance to dream about new destinations, reminisce over wild nights in far flung locations and recall stories with other travellers I am one happy Katy. So I was chuffed when Tink Jayne tagged me in her recent Wanderlust tag blog post which you can check out here. I was immediately thinking of answers and wanted to share them with you hoping you will share yours with me!

  1. Your most treasured passport stamp?

This would be India as it took a right faff to get my Indian visa! I can still remember being stood in the queue of the Indian embassy in Bangkok staring at a huge mural of the taj mahal on the wall waiting my turn thinking I will be seeing that if it kills me. So when I got to see the famous structure I literally burst into tears.

  1. Can you recite your passport number from memory if asked?

Surprisingly yep! We all have so many passwords, codes and pin numbers that fill our brains and I am terrible at remembering these but I can easily give you my passport number after filling out many a hostel form or booking flights.

  1. Preferred method of travel: planes, trains or automobiles?

I had planned to be flying most of my route until I woke up and realised how expensive that would work out so a couple of overnight trains and buses later I am a convert, especially in Thailand at how simple and clean they are as well as much easier on the old purse.


  1. Top 3 travel items?

Obviously your passport, cash and your backpack are essentials but items I couldn’t live/travel without would have to be:

#1 A soft scarf that doubles up as a pillow, covers your head and shoulders in religious sites and keeps you warm in the chilly eves.

#2 Good quality sunglasses that are perfect for early hungover mornings and protecting your peepers from strong UV rays obvs.

#3 Notepad and pen to keep all the contact details of the new best friends you will meet, plan your route and jot down what you have been up to!

  1. Hostel or hotel?

When I went backpacking alone I preferred hostels to save cash and also make sure I could meet other people but it is nice to splurge every so often (and to get a proper bath) so I found a few cheap hotels via Agoda website.

6. Are you a repeat visitor or do you explore new places?

Even before I donned my backpack to go off and explore more of the world I always believed that this planet is so huge I couldn’t understand why people would go back to the same place time and time again. I still feel like that is true although if you bought me a ticket to return to the places I have been I wouldn’t say no!


  1. Do you read up on your destination (culture, history, safety) or do you wing it?

As a solo female traveller being up to date with safety advice in the country I was visiting was important to me. I think knowledge is power so having an idea of cultural differences and to make sure you are respectful when in a new country helps, however you should always leave room in your head to find out new information.

  1. Favorite travel website?

Oooh I love getting lost in beautiful travel blogs and websites. I guess Lonely Planet thorn tree forum helped me a lot during my planning stage as speaking to other travellers and finding out up-to -date information and costs helped me feel more prepared especially in terms of budget.

Road Trip to Amsterdam

Road Trip to Amsterdam

  1. Where would you recommend a friend to visit? Name the city and why

In Europe I would urge you to spend a weekend in Amsterdam. I went in February and fell in love with the place and the relaxed mindset of people there. Further ashore I would recommend Delhi to soak up the chaotic madness around you which will make you realise how lucky you are.

10. You’re leaving tomorrow, money is no option where are you going?

This is kinda similar to the questions I answered for Company Magazine which you can read here. But just so I can go and explore a new place I would love to visit Russia. The thought of drinking vodka for breakfast is too enticing…

I would love to know your answers to these questions. Specifically I tag the following bloggers to give it a whirl!

Mind of Kiwi

Bright Field Notes

40 Countries Before I’m 30

Postcards from Rachel

Vicky Flip Flop Travels

We Took The Road Less Travelled

Tartan Mouth

Lovin Bloglovin’


I started this little piece of the internet back in October 2012 as I had just decided to quit my job and go off on a backpacking adventure and I wanted to share my journey with you. I didn’t realise that being a blogger, even just as a fun hobby, opened up the door to a whole blogging community. As well as enjoying writing this blog I also enjoy getting lost in the world of others (mainly ‘cos I’m a nosy parker) and can spend hours reading blogs on lifestyle, beauty, travel, books and even yummy mummys.

One website that I seem to spend waaaay too much time checking out is bloglovin. This easy-to-use site is bloggers paradise. Basically you can search for other bloggers on there, find new recommendations and the site will email you when your faves have uploaded a new post. Simple and easy. Perfect for flicking through on your lunch hour or some blissful bedtime reading material. If you are a blogger or just enjoy reading blogs then I would recommend signing up (for free) to keep all your fave blogs in one place. Shameless plug but I am also on there!

Here are just some of my essential Bloglovin’ reading lists that you may want to check out, as it is nice to share the love people! I’m planning on doing a future post to share even more of my faves with you….

The Londoner – This is the first blog I laid eyes on, got instantly hooked and have been an avid reader for years now. Rosie’s lustful lifestyle and witty writing style makes for serious girl fanning. Please can someone whip me up a batch of these mouth watering chocoberry cookies? Anyone?

LoveJenuine– A beautifully designed site for all new mums or mums-to-be that is full of honest information and adorable photos of Jen’s cutie-pie baby Harry. She doesn’t just talk babies but shares her experiences including this ridiculously cool London boat/hotel she recently stayed at here. Plus she happens to be my bestie not that I’m biased or anything!

Bright Field Notes– Sorcha is a Scottish girl living in London who tells it like it is. I enjoy getting lost in her mix of mouthwatering recipes and thoughtful posts including this one on things not always being as easy as you imagined in your twenties. Something we can all relate to!

All About Tink – A savvy shopper, London-gal-about-town and traveller. I love her mix of posts from beauty bargains to travel tips especially this post about travelling in a couple,one I will be putting into practice soon! Tink Jayne can sniff out a deal and even likes to get crafty which does tempt me to start learning to tie-die.

Rock My Style – I used to swoon over their other website Rock My Wedding when I was planning my big day but I soon deleted any wedding related blogs when I was jilted. So I was thrilled when the team, including the enviable style kitten Charlotte O’Shea, launched RMS this year. I love their coffee chats including this one on how to nail packing just a carry on case, I am the queen of over-packing so need to take their advice for my next short trip.

Cider With Rosie – Her regular ‘10 things that have made me happy’ posts make me happy. We should all count our blessings more no matter how small. Her picturesque village life makes me want to buy a dog and a cottage and bake every day. Although that’s just an excuse so I can eat more cakes.

She Loves To Read – The adorable Laura is bad for my bank account with all the books she makes me neeeeed in my life. Also one of the first booktubers that I found and the most excited at unpacking new book deliveries, her enthusiasm is infectious! I am totally with her on this post about the importance of grammar. Remember if you are a fan of books or book bloggers then why not join other bookworms at @BookBlogChat every Tuesday at 7pm UK time for #bookbloggers chat?

40 Countries before 30 – This site feeds my need for gazing at beautiful beaches as lucky Jayne has travelled the world sharing her stories as she goes. Full of helpful information, new weekly video diaries and photos of far flung locations that inspire me to keep on moving.

Who else can you recommend that I MUST add to my Bloglovin’ reading pile? If you have a blog then pop the link into the comments section so I can go and check it out!